Women's Board

About the Women's Board

The Women’s Board was founded in 1955 with the purpose of supporting Lyric Opera of Chicago as a cultural and educational institution in concert with the Board of Directors and other groups within the organization.

The 63 members are among Chicago’s most active and philanthropic women. They share a passion for the grand art of opera and play an essential role supporting Lyric. Membership is by invitation. The Women’s Board raises more than $3 million annually through events such as the Season Opening Gala and the triennial Wine Auction.

Get in touch

Get in touch

Please contact the Lyric Boards Office at wboffice@lyricopera.org or 312.827.5676 for additional information regarding upcoming events.

Women's Board Members

Last updated September 8, 2023

Executive Committee

Nancy S. Santi

Vice President – Board Activities
Mrs. Alejandro Silva

Vice President – Education
Jenni Sorenson

Vice President – Fundraising
Alison Wehman McNally 

Vice President – Special Events
Suzanne Mulshine

Membership Co-Chair
Suzette Bross Bulley

Membership Co-Chair
Silvia Beltrametti Krehbiel

Nominating Chair
Caroline Torrington Huebner °

Member At Large
Mrs. Eileen Austin Murphy

Member At Large
Mrs. Gloria Rolighed

Member At Large
Erica Sandner



Rana Baladi
Margot Stone Bowen
Debi A. Butler
Marie Campbell
Mamie Biggs Case
Mrs. Alger B. Chapman, Jr. ‡
Margarita Chavez-Tatro
Elizabeth O’Connor Cole
Mrs. Lester Crown °
Mrs. Anne M. Edwards
Mrs. Matthew A. Fisher
Renée Fleming § 
Mrs. Robert W. Galvin
Lili Gaubin
Keith Kiley Goldstein
Karen Z. Gray-Krehbiel
Mrs. King Harris
Mrs. Julian W. Harvey
Ann L. Jones
Rebecca Walker Knight
Mrs. Frederick Krehbiel ‡
Mrs. Richard P. Mayer °‡
Mrs. Peter M. Mesrobian
Mimi Crowe Mitchell °
Mrs. Susan B. Noyes
Mrs. James J. O’Connor °
Mrs. William A. Osborn
Mrs. Jerry K. Pearlman
Mary O’Brien Pearlman
Diana C. Prince ‡
Mrs. James C. Pritchard
Anne N. Reyes °
Alexa Rice
Mrs. Ronald A. Rolighed
Betsy Bergman Rosenfield
Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan °
Nancy S. Searle °
Jenni Sorenson
Mrs. Lisbeth Stiffel
Mrs. Kimberly Taylor-Smith
Marilynn Thoma
Mrs. Theodore D. Tieken °
Mrs. Robert G. Weiss


Life Members

Paula Hannaway Crown
Mrs. Richard W. Durkes °
Mrs. W. James Farrell °
Mrs. Ronald J. Gidwitz
Mrs. Annemarie H. Gramm
Mrs. Paul W. Oliver, Jr. 
Mrs. Jay A. Pritzker
Mrs. Gordon Segal

° = Past President
‡ = Non-resident Member
§ = Honorary Member