Ardis Krainik Society Membership Form

Thank you again for the wonderful news that you have named Lyric Opera of Chicago as a beneficiary of your estate. It is through the generosity of patrons such as you that ensures Lyric can bring world-class opera to future generations of Chicagoans.

In order to plan for the future, we kindly ask you to fill out the form below to the level and extent that feels appropriate to you. 

New to gift planning? Learn more here.

We are here to help

We are here to help

The information you provide will remain confidential. If you have any questions or concerns in regards to completing this form please contact us.

Mike Biver
Senior Director of Gift Planning
312.827.5655 | [email protected]

Jonathan Siner
Senior Director of Gift Planning
312.827.5677 | [email protected]


Please fill out the form below

* Fields are required for successful form submission.