Dragon in the Opera House

Opera is a generations-old art form—but that doesn't mean that what happens on stage isn't pushing the boundaries of technology and innovation. 

Lyric's technical department is where the magic happens. They house the creative genius that goes behind what ends up in Lyric productions.

This year, they blew us away with Fafner the dragon from the Ring cycle's Siegfried.

About Fafner the Dragon...

He's 35 feet long

From claw to tail, Fafner is just about 5 and a half times longer than Michael Jordan is tall!

Fafner is built in 4 distinct parts: 1) His head, 2) His body, 3) His tail, and 4) His claws. Each of these elements is controlled by a puppeteer.

He's inflatable

He's made of the same material that you've inevitabely bounced on during birthday parties and carnivals with bounce castles...

Throughout the duration of the performance, the custom vinyl dragon is being inflated by a silent fan. This allows for the puppeteers to easily move him around on stage.

Although elements of him are inflatable, Fafner's body is made from a crane, which weighs 2,000 lbs. The inflatable portion itself weighs just 400 lbs.

He's inflatable

He's made of the same material that you've inevitabely bounced on during birthday parties and carnivals with bounce castles...

Throughout the duration of the performance, the custom vinyl dragon is being inflated by a silent fan. This allows for the puppeteers to easily move him around on stage.

Although elements of him are inflatable, Fafner's body is made from a crane, which weighs 2,000 lbs. The inflatable portion itself weighs just 400 lbs.

He's one of a kind

The 2018/19 Season production of Lyric's Siegfried was custom designed, fabricated, sewn, and painted exclusively for Lyric.

That means that there is only one, not-so-lovable, inflatable Fafner dragon in existance.

Fafner is only possible because of the support of individual donors and patrons like you.

We are so fortunate to have Lyric in Chicago. I want to support this wonderful opera house and help it to thrive during the 21st Century.

—Nancy D

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